Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Exam 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Exam 3 - Essay Example Another aspect that makes the two considerably akin to each other is the way they fashioned their conclusions. The former concludes that ‘hers is a valuable necklace,’ while the latter ends by saying ‘students should not be given entire freedom in choosing elective courses.’ Both are not accurate conclusions as their premises are not also logically aligned and factually acceptable. A contradiction to the principle of modus ponens, such premises were not true as prior validation is required for both claims to be recognized (Surhone, Timpledon, & Marseken, 2010). As already mentioned, the extrapolation that college freshmen do not have adequate knowledge of what makes a good education is a blatant falsity. It is a fallacy at work when it is not yet evidenced that these segments of society are wholly devoid of the grasp as to what are the essential components of their college education. Conversely, it can also be not totally evinced that every single item in Ti ffany’s is of the highest value and is of the loftiest price, as validations from reliable authorities are needed to establish these to counter such bandwagon (marketing) tactics.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Literature by U.S. Women of Color Research Paper

Literature by U.S. Women of Color - Research Paper Example It is based on these stories that this research will focus on the difficulties women of color experience in different territories and how they respond to such challenges (Wang 12). Particular emphasis is placed on women faculty of color within a classroom environment dominated by white students. The paper majorly focuses on oppression among women faculty of color in institutions of higher learning such as universities and colleges. Information on the research is based on a comprehensive interview with women faculty of color in a large research institution that is dominated by whites (Aguirre 100). The study identifies how male students challenge the authority of female colored professors during classroom interactions. Research studies indicate that an oppressive environment in a classroom has the negative effect of impairing learning and academic performance. This is especially widespread among students who suffer from oppressed identities. Such research studies only reveal whether a n oppressive environment affects learning effectiveness but tends to ignore the faculty perceptions of their classrooms. A lot of literature material points out that women faculty of color spend different time periods teaching. However, the material does not concentrate much on the classroom experiences of the colored women. Sociologists provide adequate knowledge to students on how to examine racial disparities in different areas of society such as health care and religion. They offer real world examples that are used to illustrate the cultural and interpersonal social oppression that exists in the world that we are living. There has been a widespread use of the oppressive classroom environment in demonstrating different forms of racial disparities. Research studies indicate that fostering faculty diversity and effectiveness can be achieved through the support of faculty who are women of color rather than being hostile towards. This means that it is important that we understand and appreciate the perception of the classroom environment in retaining a diverse faculty (Bonilla-Silva 200). This research applies an intersectional oppression framework in exploring faculty perceptions towards colored women teachers. Oppression can be defined to as the obstacles and actions that maintain the privileges of a dominant group. Research studies indicate that there is widespread and cumulative oppression among women faculty of color. This is evidenced by the small number of recruitment or promotion of women of color in institutions of higher education. Racism based on gender is a unique kind of oppression that women of color experience (Morrison 120). This experience is based on their position in at the intersection of race and gender matrix of domination. On the basis of the above mentioned insight, this research study examines the perception of classroom experiences among women of color at the intersection of racial and gendered oppression. In this research study, the w omen of color have adequate knowledge that their experiences in the classroom are influenced by gendered racism, and that white male students have the tendency of undermining their authority because of their color. I will majorly concentrate on how structural inequality is evidenced during interpersonal interactions. This is because teaching is a major part of the lives of faculty women of color and that it is import